

Published on  June 19th, 2014

WeTransfer Plus picture

WeTransfer is a Dutch download and upload service that can be sent. Large files up to two gigabytes. The service can be documents, photos, music, video presentations and shared with up to 20 recipients. All files are stored for 7 days by the service.

The service was founded by Nalden (Ronald Hans), Rinke Visser and Bas Beerens in 2009.
Opening Quotation Stabbing'' We knew'' transfer'' was the name only was there anything else.'' It failed to find the right combination. They were some brainstorming. When Nalden somewhat petulant shouted:'' We transfer'' That was it.. Hilarious'','' laughed Nalden,'' You send it, but we transfer.''
- Bas Beerens

With a Plus account you can send files up to 5 GB. Users can also set a password on a download, and the files are not deleted after a certain time - they are stored until the user they dispose themselves. A Plus account has a limit of 50 GB of disk space.

Who we are

WeTransfer is an online file-transferring platform, which basically means that you send it, we transfer. There’s no hassle. No stress. No charge. We are based in Amsterdam and roam the globe with a dedicated team to build the best service.

How we pay our bills

We are sure you have seen those beautiful wallpapers on WeTransfer.com. Believe it or not, most of them are actually advertisements. Next to all creative work we like to feature, we make our money with full screen ads. In addition, we also sell WeTransfer Plus accounts to those who want to get even more out of the service.

Get more out of WeTransfer with Plus


Get more out of WeTransfer with Plus. For the people who love WeTransfer, and asked us for more. Whether it's for business or personal use. We created it for ...







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