Selfie Gallery
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Miss Vaula Lovez selfies
Without any announcement, she suddenly appeared, as if she came out of nowhere. It turns out, she's a friend of a friend of a friend. Are you still following? Miss Vaula Lovez sent me a few simple selfies. Without a hint of modesty, she asked for a photoshoot. But well, she's in Bali and I'm in the Netherlands—you understand, arranging a photoshoot becomes quite difficult. However, she took the initiative and sent a few more selfies, this time with better lighting, both in black-and-white and in color. I can promise you: in a few months, there will be an exciting photoshoot.
Tanpa pemberitahuan apa pun, wanita ini tiba-tiba muncul, seolah entah dari mana. Ternyata dia adalah teman dari teman dari teman. Apakah kamu masih mengikuti? Nona Vaula Lovez mengirimkan beberapa foto selfie sederhana. Tanpa rasa malu, dia meminta pemotretan. Tapi ya, dia di Bali dan saya di Belanda – Anda tahu, mengatur pemotretan bisa jadi cukup sulit. Namun, dia mengambil inisiatif sendiri dan mengirimkan beberapa foto selfie lagi, kali ini dengan pencahayaan yang lebih baik, baik dalam warna hitam putih maupun berwarna.
Saya berjanji kepada Anda: dalam beberapa bulan akan ada pemotretan menarik bersama Nona Vaula Lovez.
Selamat menikmati!
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WajahAsia road photographer
Miss Manda's selfies
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