
photo report - laporan foto - báo cáo hình ảnh - larawan ulat - 照片报告 - 写真レポート

Published on  October 2nd, 2024

WajahAsia shows in this gallery a lot of different subjects.
In fact it's a kind of snapshot gallery while the photographer did his
freelance site job. Have a lot of fun!
Kind regards

Ladies from the coal mines
In rural areas, young women often work in coal mines and live in modest homes. These homes are often in poor condition and the streets and alleys are often unpaved, with inadequate drainage. "These models pose fearlessly in dramatic, imaginative women's clothing.
Ladies from the coal mines   Ladies from the coal mines   Ladies from the coal mines
Despite the challenges, the women know how to dress attractively and stylishly.
For more information, visit:
Road photographer

Modellen boek 2023
They played an important role during my travels in Asia. To promote "Wajah.Asia" website they were my assistants. In addition, they gave photographed people the address to download photos for free.
Modellen boek 2023 Modellen boek 2023
She also wanted to pose as a model for the camera of "Wajah.Asia". It soon became clear that they were talented ladies for the job. Here we present a limited selection from all photo shoots.
Visit the photo gallery because it will pleasantly surprise you.
Kind regards

Herva Models
In this gallery you will find fashion models who subscribed to Herva's Models modeling agency in Jakarta Indonesia.
If you want to join us or need a model(s), please contact: hervas.models@gmail.com Twitter: @hervasmodels
Contact: Veronika Phone: 08999690858 https://www.facebook.com/hervas.models
Herva Models     Herva Models     Herva Models
The models are: Miss Agatha Feby, Miss Alena Valencia, Miss Caroline Giovanny, Miss Hanna_Janyca, Miss Sarah Dominica, Miss Sherly Sunarli, Miss Tiffany Irgo, Miss Veronica Silvia and Miss Virdha kaifKind regards

Neva on Samas Beach
Free and without camera fear,
she poses for WajahAsia road photography.
Neva on Samas Beach   Neva on Samas Beach
The black sand of Samas beach and some bamboo huts are the decor.
Kind regards

Vietnamese photogr Phuong Dong pg 1
Art nude images have been around for quite a long time, it is also a true art of photography but it does not thrive because of social prejudice.
Vietnamese photogr Phuong Dong pg 1   Vietnamese photogr Phuong Dong pg 1   Vietnamese photogr Phuong Dong pg 1
But it can be said that art nudity is a very humane genre. Taking nude photos is about discovering, praising and honoring the pure and holy beauty that creature has bestowed on people, especially women.

Vietnamese photogr Phuong Dong pg 2
There is no tolerance or naked too much, every nude photo of photographer Duong Quoc Dinh is considered as a work of art that contains depth as well as very humane meanings.
Vietnamese photogr Phuong Dong pg 2    Vietnamese photogr Phuong Dong pg 2
Duong Quoc Dinh has won dozens of domestic and international awards for artwork. Art nude photos have been around for quite a long time, it is also a true art of photography but does not thrive because of social prejudice with this type of image.

The Rhany N Chazanah selection
This is a second acquaintance with Miss Rhany N Chazanah.Previously she posed for WajahAsia Photographer for her gallery:In this gallery she poses without make up and dressed simply.
We call it: "A rough photo shoot"
Yogyakarta 27 August 2012 The Rhany N Chazanah selection Yogyakarta 27 August 2012 The Rhany N Chazanah selection
So please enjoy. More about her you can visit her facebook:
mail: RhanyRiyanti@yahoo.com
Kind regards

Miss Ika Mayu Novianti gallery
Beautiful clothes, make-up well-groomed, nice locations, splendid looking fashion models who acted well and showing fresh and beautiful poses. And good photographer as well. Miss Ika Mayu Novianti has many friends. Some of them are good photomodel. I am talking about girls and boys. For some days ago I visited her FaceBook and she shows me
amazing pictures. Please enter this gallery, you will be nicely surprised about these pictures.
The girls: Miss Prima Ayu Cahyani, Miss Sii Ttaa Rroo, Miss Ika Mayu Novianti
The Boys: mr. Moxo Putu Jaelani and mr. Zain Arifind.
About the dance competition, The model names are not known.
Miss Ika Mayu Novianti gallery Miss Ika Mayu Novianti gallery
Digital photography: Miss Ika Mayu Novianti, Miss Prima Ayu Cahyani and Mr. Zain Arifind.
Location: Panembahan Senopati, Kotagede Yogyakarta.
Kind regards

Yogya 17-07-2011 Event Waroeng Burjo II
Facebook address Fashion models
Gadis Ayusita Della Wae, Citra Strubegger Naomi, SaRa de Phoy Ninda Dalam Pengharapan,
Yogya, 17-07-2011 - Event Waroeng Burjo II Yogya, 17-07-2011 - Event Waroeng Burjo II )
FaceBook address Photographers
Senandung Zamora Black White Production Oemah Burjo Diyanasto Adi Pratomo Bona Ramot Silitonga Hendra Pradana Edwin Jak Lah Coolboy Agha Rovi Tavare Arnold Marbun Calon Presiden Ardie Boleslawski Wahyu Dewanto, SYdika Poetra

Yogya, 17-07-2011 - Event Waroeng Burjo
17e july 2011 was a special event Waroeng Burjo date. In the Jl. Nologaten No. 322 Yogyakarta Indonesia Waroeng Burjo had nice promotion from their new Metra Car Wash. BW Production, Metra Auto Wash and Oemah Burjo organized in collaboration a spectaculair photoshoot. Interested photographers of Yogya's “Calon” photography club and website “WajahAsia” shot beautiful pictures of these fashion models who wholeheartedly
and patiently posed professionally. In this and the next gallery we give an impression of that happening.
Yogya, 17-07-2011 - Event Waroeng Burjo Yogya, 17-07-2011 - Event Waroeng Burjo
The photographers
Edwin James Lah, SYdika Poetra, Rovi Tavaré, Adi Diyanasto Pratomo Oemah Burjo, Senandung Zamora, Coolboy Agha, Bona Silitonga Ramot, Wahyu Dewanto, Ardie Boleslawski, Arnold Marbun Calon Presiden, Hendra Pranada, Welly Mamba, Blabau, Rendi Kartini, Rian Fakhriansyah Fakhri (Suka Hati Ko Lah), Icha (Arieza Hidayat), Fetty Indaryati, Aga (Sasmito Siaga) and Arnold Marbun
Thanks the fashion models
Gadis Ayusita, Della Wae, Citra Strubegger Naomi, Sara Phoy, Ninda Dalam Pengharapan for their efforts.
Special thanks to BW Production, Metara Auto Wash and Oemah Burjo
for this very successful evening.
Kind regards

Miss LiLa NaiLa from Malang
Miss LiLia Naila is a 24 years young lady coming from Malang Indonesia. Until today she's a single girl. She speaks English very well and she's interested in: Friends, dating and networking.
Miss LiLa NaiLa from Malang   Miss LiLa NaiLa from Malang
Have a nice time and enjoy
Email address: azalila@yahoo.co.id
Miss Charinee Suchatanon, Bangkok Thailand. Edditor
Kind regards

Yogyakarta, 05-08-2010 - Photographer WajahAsia
It was a high sunny day while I passed this swimmingpool. She invited me for a swim but my digital camera told me; let me shoot her! And I said; yeahhhhhhhh let's do it! Hahahahaha
Yogyakarta, 05-08-2010 - Photographer WajahAsia   Yogyakarta, 05-08-2010 - Photographer WajahAsia
Managing Director

Asian leisure photography
In the digital age, photography is everywhere. Young and old have cameras. Varying from pocket cameras, compact cameras, system cameras to SLR cameras and many types of smartphones They maneuver themselves into strange positions to capture their beautiful moment.
Asian leisure photography   Asian leisure photography
Managing Director














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