
Exhibitions and Events

Published on  December 17th, 2024

WajahAsia has been made this "Exhibition / Events" gallery
for "guest" photographers and photo models
male and female). Here they can exhibit their works of all kinds
and styl. At various times they can add work. Send your material
to wajahasia@gmail.com and in 24 hours we create your gallery,
organize your photos in the correct order and add them to your own gallery.

Managing Director

Tattoo lady miss Shikha
Yogyakarta's freelance photographer Mr. Listyo Prayoga
wander throughout Indonesia in search of tattooed women.
And not just a tattoo on a little toe. Finaly he found a beautiful fashion model named Miss Shikha with beautiful tatoes. No no, at various body spots she has beautiful tatoes
It is best to see for yourself.
Tattoo lady miss Shikha Tattoo lady miss Shikha

Managing Director

Miss Keo Rosa
Miss Keo Rosa   Miss Keo Rosa

Managing Director

Miss Sissy at a silent rock island  These Javanese from Yogyakarta feels at home as well on the island of Lombok.
On the rocky and white sandy Kuta beach and Tanjungan beach she spent many hours in front of the photo cameras.
By her nickname "Miss Sissy" she travels around the wide world.
If you want to contact this professional, do not hesitate to contact us. We have her phone number, email and contact adress
Miss Sissy at a silent rock island   Miss Sissy at a silent rock island

Managing Director

Hoang linh

Hoang linh <lyly.hoanglinh@gmail.com>   Hoang linh <lyly.hoanglinh@gmail.com>   Hoang linh <lyly.hoanglinh@gmail.com>

Miss Anastasia Putri

This Anastasia Putri gallery is still under construction
Soon new Anastasia pictures as coal mine worker lady
Miss Anastasia Putri   Miss Anastasia Putri

Managing Director

Yogya Display Exhibition Motret Minus 45

Photographer This photografic exhibition took place on Karta Pustaka
(Holland-Indonesian Foundation) in Yogyakarta. This event was
held on August 18-21, 2011. Most photographers used digital camera's (less
people used old fashion film / analog system) The topic is/was
Motret Minus 45. The WajahAsia Photographer are ms Arifa Winarni,
Mr Yuli Hermawan, Tri Pamudji, Icha, Arnold and Miss Fetty Indaryati.
(Mr. Ismail was sick at that time).

Yogya Display Exhibition Motret Minus 45   Yogya Display Exhibition Motret Minus 45

Signed by:
Miss Fetty Indaryati
WajahAsia representative Yogyakarta/Jawa Tengah

Mr Raul Shinchan's photo gallery

Mr. Raul Shinchan is an amateur photographer coming from Malang/Surabaya.
These days he spend his life on that beautifull Bali island Indonesia in Denpassar.
He loves snorkeling, travelling and photography as well. So if you want
snorkeling or travelling around Bali, he wanna  be your host or guide.

Mr. Raul Shinchan photo gallery   Mr. Raul Shinchan photo gallery

More info about Mr. Raul Shinchan:
for text him +628980305299 or
whatsapp +628970429669.
More info: scrol down in http://www.wajah.asia/index.php?id=hostess
Or open:
Indonesia Bali Island host Raul
mail: raulshinchan@gmail.com

Managing Director

Mr Ekoputro Rahmawanto Mas Eko's gallery

Mr. Ekoputro Rahmawanto, or simply Mas Eko, has its own transport
company. His company specializes in transporting tourists. Without
modern navigation system he knows to find punctual Indonesian destinations.
He is also a skilled amateur photographer. He knows well to manage
cellular phone Nokia X2 to make regular photos of beautiful locations.

Mr. Ekoputro Rahmawanto.  Mas Eko gallery Mr. Ekoputro Rahmawanto.  Mas Eko gallery
For more information go to:Mas EKO jogja-exotic

Blogs: http://jogja-exotic.blogspot.com
E-mail : satoe_jogja@yahoo.com
Phone : +6281215686383
Enjoy Mas Eko's photogallery.

Managing Director

"TamTam Fotography's" photo gallery

Mr. TamTam Airlngga is an amateur photographer behind
“TamTam Fotography”. This is his FaceBook nickname. His living,
working and hobby place is Jakarta city on Jawa Island Indonesia
 TamTam Fotography photo gallery    TamTam Fotography photo gallery
More info about Mr. TamTam Airlngga
Phone number: 087883502241 Pin BB : 2114E359
FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/tamtam.fotography
mail: tamtam_airlangga@yahoo.com
Hoby: football
Ideals: famous fotografer
My live: in Jakarta

Managing Director

Miss Pham Hoang My shows her áo dài costume

Dear Visitor,
Let me present you Miss Pham Hoang My.
For some months ago I
asked her for a photoshoot and she answered: I only will pose in my
own Ao dai.
Finaly, here she is in a beautifull photoshoot at the Hanoi
Citadel location in Vietnam.

She wrote to me
My full name is Pham Hoang My ( Mi is pronunciation). I was born in
Hanoi Vietnam, and was brought up here by my parents who are also
pure Hanoians. I don't know much about Ao dai, because actually,
it's the Vietnamese traditional costume. I have been growing up and I am
used to with Vietnamese women in Ao dai since I was just a little girl.
I saw my grandmother in Ao dai, my mom in Ao dai, my teacher in Ao dai,
my girl friends in Ao dai, and myself in Ao dai.

Miss Pham Hoang My shows her áo dài costume    Miss Pham Hoang My shows her áo dài costume
And I know that even an old Vietnames lady without the measure of a
miss world, she's still very beautiful in Ao dai. She looks more beautiful in
Ao Dai than any foreign women in other countries in the world. It's really
amazing. And I'm always proud of this, because I am Vietnamese, and I can
be beautiful in our traditional costume. I don't need to show off my body
without clothing, I'm still beautiful in my discreet way. 
Beauty is what you
feel it, no need its information. So let me not speak so much about myself,
I think I should let others feel.

Miss Pham Hoang My info:
Phone: 0904 337 336.

mail: phamhoangmy83@yahoo.com
Managing Director   

Arik Ariyani

I met Miss Arik Ariyani in her facebook page. After seeing her pictures I asked her to pose in WajahAsia gallery. These pictures, simple shot with her mobile phone, showing her while visiting Pandawa Beach Bali Island Indonesia. Facebook name: Beginii Zlaluu
Facebook address: https://www.facebook.com/ariklovegusti
Email arikbajangbali@yahoo.co.id 
Date of birth 17-01-1992 Hobby: way street, like cobbled street for bali tourism
Work: Private employment for Mangosteen Company (peel herbal medicine mangosteen)
Miss Arik Ariyani's photo gallery Miss Arik Ariyani's photo gallery
Education SMK (vocational high school) City: Bali, Denpasar. Favorite artist: agnes monica, tantri box
Ooh .... You can contact Miss Arik Ariyani but be warned hahahaha, she’s already equipped with a life partner: Full name: Ngurah Agung Mahadi Putrai.
Place and date of birth: Denpasar, 03-04-1992

email: goestishippo@yahoo.co.id.
Facebook name: Goesti Rah Adiputra    
Facebook address:
Managing Director 

Donny Amran photo gallery

mata lensa Donny Amran photo gallery   mata lensa Donny Amran photo gallery
Facebook Address: https://www.facebook.com/donny.amran
Facebook name:
Davron Donny Amran
Managing Director

Yan Fotoworks gallery
Yan Fotoworks
Yan Fotoworks is from Jakarta Indonesia
. This photogallery shows
really amazing Photo job. More info is coming soon
Yan Fotoworks photo gallery Yan Fotoworks photo gallery
Managing Director

Juliana Ivancencu's drawings
Here’s the gallery of Romania’s Miss Iuliana Ivancencu. No pictures or photographes but nice sketches and drawings. Usually, the drawings are "preliminary studies" for paintings.  She also sees it as the end result of the work of art. Miss Iuliana Ivancencu’s date and place of birth is 27 july 1985 in a little town called Tulce.
Miss Iuliana Ivancencu's sketches and drawings Miss Iuliana Ivancencu's sketches and drawings
After she finished the Faculty of Arts, she started at home her own workshop. If you are interested and want to buy her work or more information, please contact her
by email: luana1101_didi@yahoo.com
or in Facebook.
Facebook address: https://www.facebook.com/iuliana.ivancencu.9
Facebook name: Iuliana Ivancencu.
Managing Director





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