Abadi Tour
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Pariwisata merupakan sektor utama bagi DIY. Banyaknya objek dan daya objek tarif wisata di DIY telah menyerap kunjungan wisatawan, baik wisatawan mancanegara maupun wisatawan nusantara. Pada tercatat 2010 kunjungan wisatawan sebanyak 1.456.980 orang, dengan rincian 152.843 dari mancanegara dan 1.304.137 152 843 orang dari nusantara luar negeri. Bentuk wisata di DIY meliputi wisata MICE (Meeting, Incentive , Convention and Exhibition), wisata budaya, wisata alam, wisata minat khusus dan berbagai fasilitas wisata lainnya , seperti resort, hotel, dan restoran. Tercatat ada 37 hotel berbintang dan 1.011 hotel melati di seluruh DIY pada 2010. Adapan penyelenggaraan MICE Sebanyak 4.509 kali per tahun atau sekitar 12 kali per hari. Keanekaragaman upacara keagamaan dan budaya dari berbagai agama serta didukung oleh kreativitas seni dan keramahtamahan masyarakat, membuat DIY mampu menciptakan produk-produk budaya dan pariwisata yang menjanjikan. Pada tahun 2010 tedapat 91 desa wisata dengan 51 di antaranya yang layak menjanjikan. Tiga desa wisata di Kabupaten Sleman hancur terkena erupsi gunung Merapi sedang 14 lainnya rusak ringan.
Tourism ({C}{C}{C}{C}Pariwisata) is a key sector for DIY . The number of objects and attractions in the province has absorbed tourist arrivals , both foreign tourists and domestic tourists . In 2010, tourist arrivals recorded as many as 1,456,980 people , with details 1304137 152 843 from abroad and people from the archipelago . Form of tourism in the province include MICE ( Meeting, Incentive , Convention and Exhibition ) , cultural tourism , nature tourism , special interest tours and various other tourist facilities , such as resorts, hotels , and restaurants . Noted there are 37 five-star hotels and budget hotels around 1,011 DIY in 2010 . Organizing MICE As many as 4,509 times per year , or about 12 times per day . Religious ceremonies and cultural diversity of the various religions and supported by artistic creativity and hospitality community , make a DIY capable of creating cultural products and tourism are promising . In 2010 artifacts tourist village 91 to 51 of which are worth a visit . Three tourist village in Sleman district was destroyed by the eruption of Mount Merapi (erupsi gunung Merapi) were 14 other minor damage.
HP/WA: +62 852 2828 6996
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Jln. Menteri Supeno No. 32 Yogyakarta - Indonesia
Telp. +62 274 376 585 , +62 274 450 226.
Fax : +62 274 450 226
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Email : abaditour_jog@yahoo.co.id
website : www.abaditour.com/
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